What’s going on with Dark Heart?

I was going to post this as an update, but I thought a blog post would provide more room to write, and be shareable across our social media so more of our fans will see the post.

Personally, this year, though it has only been four months so far, has been both unbelievably busy and wonderful. We finally moved out of our apartment and into a house after looking for 6+ months and having things fall through. We had originally planned to move a little further south, so I put in applications for jobs there. When we finally found our current house, we had decided to stay in the same town. Before we moved, one of the companies I applied for called me for an interview and I started working for them. The only problem was the 1 ½ drive there and back, and the fact that since we stayed in the same town, I was still working my 1st job.

Between trying to work two jobs, move everything in, clean up the apartment so we could turn in the keys, and getting the new house set so we could at least live in it, I was seriously spreading myself too thin. The time I had to work on stock, packing orders, and shipping seriously decreased. Instead of completely closing the shop, since Storenvy doesn’t have a vacation mode, it only says the store isn’t there, I changed most of the items to preorder and tried to change the TAT (turn around time) to something I felt was a closer estimate.

Last week I finally decided to put in my notice at the second job and pursue cosmetology. I gave it my best shot, but in the end it can’t compare to Dark Heart and how much I love makeup. I have to work those two weeks, and then we’ll be back on track. Orders will be caught up, contest prizes will be sent, stock will be updated, and new products will be added to the store. I’ve missed everyone so much, and I can’t wait to get back to DHD and the makeup community.

About Tina Zabriskie

Licensed cosmetologist and aspiring makeup artist.

Posted on April 16, 2014, in Updates. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. love dhd!! Don’t work too hard! You deserve a break too! Best of luck to you with your classes and wishing you much success in the future

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